Get to Know Us
Travis and Nick Peterson are based in Southern California, who launched the Joker Birthday card on Kickstarter on April 1, 2015 and went on to raise $92,073 in 30 days.
We had no idea that making cards that never end would be so successful. But once we created the product and saw the success Travis decided to run with it and see how far it could go. We are now four years old and still growing and learning. While some startups are able to raise capital and grow more quickly we have decided to grow a bit more slowly and not overdo it. The plan has worked well. Never ending greeting cards are soon to be a staple in everyone's home over the next 10 or 20 years! Crazy.
The First KickStarter Video And Joker Card Explained.
We expanded To More Cards Later on...
Third Time - Joker Cricket Chips Non-Stop!
Messy Cards!
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